A bridge over a beautiful waterfall

A bridge over a beautiful waterfall
Nature brings magic

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

T is for Theocracy

Last week the United States was stunned when Iowa governor Terry Branstad signed a bill into law that effectively ended the separation between church and state in Iowa. If you missed it, you can read different views on it here, here, here and here.

People are saying Iowa is now a theocracy. I wanted to know what a theocracy was. So I went and looked it up. A theocracy is a government run with the idea that God (or whatever deities you worship) is the supreme civil ruler, his laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities. Now, I'm not entirely sure Iowa has taken it that far, but what it did is very disturbing. It has broken the Constitution and declared something that will probably end up in the Supreme Court when a motion is filed by people in the state.

I think one of the most noted theocracies in history has been when the Pope and the Catholic church dominated a good chunk of Europe. The Pope granted the right to rule to kings and queens, but it held the right to revoke that and name someone else in their place if they didn't approve of what they did. Priests held the power through the nobility, and those among the peasantry were left in their charge. Even the poorest couldn't escape the power of the church.

One thing I would hate to see is the United States become a theocracy. I can see what it would become: a Christian country. There are more Christians in this country than any other religion. I am not a Christian. I do not claim to be one nor will I ever conform to a society that demands it of me. What do you think would happen to me, to my husband, to many of our friends? Would we be left in peace? Or would something else happen to us?

There are still countries in this world that are ruled by religion. Some are quiet, not bothering their neighbors and living out their lives with peace in their borders. As much as there can be in this world these days. There are others who are violent, torturing and killing people who don't believe as the rulers do. These countries wage war on those who don't follow the same religion, aiming to destroy the “unbelievers”, the “infidels”.

I wish the world would stop relying on religion for everything. That just because I don't worship your god doesn't mean I'm a bad person. It just means that I don't have a set of rigid guidelines to live by and instead am judged solely by my actions. There are people who do not claim to worship any god who do good in this world. There are those who claim they are Christians who do harm. There are worshipers of Islam who would rather live in peace. While there are others who would destroy the rest of us.

I could go on and on with this. It is my opinion that if you want a theocracy, write a story about it. Don't impose your religion on people and say it's the “one true way”. Let people make up their own minds. Let them exercise that free will so many religions say we've been given.


  1. Thank you for dropping in with me, and so I pay you a visit.
    I agree fully with what you wrote here. Having a country ruled by one religion is a very bad move. Nothing good has come from that, ever. Let's hope Iowa gets their mind together again and undoes what this governor did...

    1. Thank you for dropping by as well.

      I agree with what you said about Iowa. I've got a couple friends from there that are pissed at everyone involved in getting that bill passed.

  2. Note to self, never move to Iowa. I was raised Catholic and while I'm not exactly sure what I believe in terms of a deity, I do know I believe that everyone deserves the right to believe what they want and no other religion should impose on that.

    1. I was raised Mormon. I no longer believe as I did when I was a child, but I agree with you that everyone has the right to believe as they want to.

  3. That is illegal in so many ways. There are so many people who want something like that to happen because it's their religion, and those of us who don't follow it are wrong.

    This is so disappointing. I love living in this country because I don't have to worship anything I don't want to. I really hope this gets overturned.

    1. So do I. It sets a bad precedent that too many states would want to follow.

  4. We were just discussing the Puritans today in my 5th grade class. Theocracy definitely came up. The kids thought it was a bad idea.

    1. Kids can be very smart. I have to say I agree with them.
