Okay, so I know I've had this blog for 5 years. But I'm wanting to do more and Blogger just isn't going to provide what I want since I can't purchase a domain from it. I've switched to WordPress with the intent on setting up my own domain name. If you want to follow me over there, just follow the link I've included. Thank you so much for your support and please join me on WordPress.
Writing in the Woods on WordPress
The adventures of a writer as she goes from ideas to published and everything in between.
A bridge over a beautiful waterfall

Nature brings magic
Friday, October 30, 2015
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
World building Wednesday - The Kimrayans
week I thought we'd start my word building with discussing one of the
races in my world: the Kimrayans. The Kimrayans are a nomadic race
that would be similar to elves. They have the pointed ears and almond
shaped eyes. They're tall with black hair and eyes that range from
green to blue. Any other color is extremely rare, and is generally a
result of a relationship with someone out of the tribes. Their skin
is a light olive and they are incredibly graceful.
are nomadic tribes that populate the plains between Erondahl and the
Great Waste. They are attuned to the world around them, and take
special care with their home so as not to deplete it or destroy it.
They venerate their elders and often there are squabbles over who can
get grandma and grandpa to move in with them, as it is a sign of
honor to take care of them.
are regarded as treasures and are guarded well by the adults.
Misfortune can and does strike as the Kimrayans do live in a wild
area. When a child dies, the whole tribe is in mourning and shows it.
When an adult dies, only the family and close friends show they're
mourning, though the death does affect the clan as a whole.
Kimrayans have a sort of alliance with the Sindlans, the people who
live to the south and east of them. They exchange goods and
occasionally you'll get one or more of them into intimate relations
with each other. The children born of those situations are raised by
the Kimrayans as they aren't welcome in Sindla.
aren't particularly war like, but they do know how to fight. Life is
not easy on the plains and there is always danger. There are wild
beasts and people who would seek to take what the Kimrayans hold.
two main characters in The Last Lifedancer
are tied in with the Kimrayans. They are part of their tribe. They,
like Kimrayans, are honorable and believe that the family is the most
sacred thing there is.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Monday Recipe - Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
I said last week, one Monday a month is going to be a recipe day. So
today I'm sharing with you my favorite chocolate chip recipe. The
cookies are nice and chewy, though I always make them bigger than
they suggest.
Chocolate Cookies
¼ c granulated sugar
¼ c packed brown sugar
½ c butter, softened
tsp vanilla
¼ c all-purpose flour
tsp baking soda
tsp salt
bags semisweet chocolate chips (2-4 cups)
oven to 375 F (190 C). In large bowl with electric mixer, beat both
sugars and butter until ight and fluffy. Beat in vanilla and eggs
until well blended. Beat in flour, baking soda and salt. Stir in
chocolate chips.
ungreased cookie sheets, drop dough by rounded tablespoonfuls 2
inches apart. (This is where I go a little bigger.) Bake 8-10 minutes
or until light golden brown. Cool 1 minute. Remove from cookie sheets
to cooling racks.
have a convection oven, so I only need to bake them for 8 minutes. If
you don't have a convection oven, you may have to bake them for the
full 10 minutes.
month I'll have another recipe for you. Have fun with this one. I
hope you enjoy the cookies as much as we do.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Fiction Friday: Celeste doesn't like being robbed
Only recently freed from the streets and back in possession of a fortune that was stolen from her, Celeste Long has finally found a place she can call home after the brutal double murders of her parents. She's finding that life off the streets can be just as dangerous, especially if you're not entirely human and don't know it.
she pulled up she noticed something odd. The sense of peace around
the house was gone. Instead there was something else. It was almost
as if the house was frightened. She grabbed her purse and got up to
the front door. The lock was broken and the door was open.
heard voices inside. Ignoring her better sense, and feeling something
strange growing at the back of her mind, she pushed the door open.
Two men were in her living room. They were carrying her computer and
her laptop.
of the men saw her. “Looks like you came home too soon, bitch.”
He pulled out a gun and shot her.
took a step back. She looked up, a silver glow coming into her eyes.
“You just made a big mistake.” Her voice had a quality that
almost sounded like it was echoing. The bullet wound began to close
and the bullet popped out and clattered onto the ground.
like fire across her back almost knocked her off her feet. Something
tore and suddenly a pair of black wings spread out from her back.
“What the hell?” The man with the gun fired a few more times.
bullets passed through Celeste, leaving behind no wounds. “This is
my home. I will not let it be fouled by the likes of you. Put down
what you're carrying and leave, before I show you what I can really
second man dropped the laptop and started for the door. The first one
grabbed his arm. “What are you doing? Shoot the freak.”
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
The universe as set up for Fury
so I did say I was going to put something up from my work on my NaNo
novel. I have to say I'm not quite ready to do that, so I thought I'd
introduce you to another story I've just finished my first pass
edits/revisions on. That is my story I've given the working title of
is set in the future. It deals with a conflict between a group of
central worlds and the colonies that separated from them. The reason
for the split was because those who chose the colonies wanted less
tech in their lives. The central worlds are a tech heavy bunch of
planets where nature has taken a backseat to tech that is slowly
destroying the central worlds.
colonies are low tech, as much as they can be at least. There are
some mid level tech things, but nothing like you'd find in the
central worlds. The colonies are generally focused on what the planet
can produce without destroying the planet for the most part. There
are a few worlds that have a harder time maintaining the healthy
atmospheres the rest of the colonies do.
colonies and the central worlds are always in some sort of conflict,
whether it's because of trade embargoes, open hostilities, or just
trying to make the colonists – called colonials by the central
worlds as a derogatory term – very uncomfortable in the central
worlds so they retreat back to their home planets. There are no FTL
drives so everything takes time to get to. It can be very
uncomfortable for colonists to travel because the Port Authority
tends not to sell first class tickets to colonists on return trips
from the core.
chose this setting because of the fact that I love the concept of
a small universe that is conflicted. I also used a slightly familiar political construct that should be recognizable to anyone who knows a little bit about history. I wanted to show the disparity between the way
the central worlds and their Assembly act and the colonies and their
semi-ruling body the Eleven and how they work.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Blogging and me
on Saturday night I was looking over my blog. I happened to glance
down in the right hand corner where it lists the years and the number
of blog posts I've done. FYI, as of August of this year I'm up to 5 years blogging. I was surprised to see that last year I
posted the most while this year I've barely posted 30 posts (this
week's will take me up to 33). I was curious as to what changed so I
looked over some of my 2014 posts.
came to realize I loved blogging last year, but for some reason this
year has sucked that love out of me. I don't think it's the blog
itself. I think it's the fact that for a while I was completely lost
in who I wasn't rather than thinking about who I am. My depression
(the self-induced kind, not the stuff that comes with being bipolar)
really got to me. No, I wasn't suicidal or anything like that. I was
just in a general funk that has lasted for months.
realize back in September I talked about lacking energy or a desire
to blog. And that's very true. I was discouraged. But I was also in a
situation that was stressing me out beyond belief and I just didn't
need something else added to the plate. So I stopped writing blog
can honestly say that I'm glad I'm back to blogging. Don't get me
wrong, it's still hard to come up with topics. I'm developing a
blogging schedule so I know what to write on each day. Friday is
still going to be for fiction. Wednesday is whatever writing stuff I
feel like posting. Monday, now Monday is the kicker. I still have no
idea what to do for Monday.
figure once a month I might do a recipe day where I share some of my
favorites from the month before. I love sharing my working
experiments with all of you, even if I don't get too many people
interested in them.
that's once a month. What about the other 3 (or 4) Mondays in the
month? I'm still working on that. Next Monday, I think, will be the
recipes. I'll work something out for the rest. If anyone has any
suggestions for what I can do on Monday, please let me know. I'm
always up for a challenge.
the way, if you can't tell, I love parenthesis.)
and on a more positive note...here's a fuzzy kitten to brighten your
Friday, October 16, 2015
Friday Fiction: Mama's Angels
A mother's love for her children is a sacred trust. When that trust is broken, things can go horribly wrong.
Small feet pattered across the cracked tile floor. Two figures in
flowing white nightgowns crept along, stifling giggles as they
slipped along towards the spiraling staircase leading to the rest of
the house. A tiny bell chimed discordantly from the hall. They paused
just at the top of the stairs.
The only light below came from the moon shining through the broken
windows. She sat on a worn settee and stared out at the encroaching
rose bushes. Thorns as long as her hand gleamed in the silver light,
looking like strange and twisted daggers.
She knew the children were there. The giggling was unmistakable. She
didn't look up, though. She closed her eyes and prayed for sleep to
come. It didn't. It never did. Not since that day. She fingered the
pendant around her neck and cursed her husband. Her imprecations
didn't matter. He was dead, buried and turned to dust.
The children giggled again. She sighed. “Back to bed with you,”
she called.
“Why mama?” The voice was of her beautiful Light. “We want to
stay up and watch the moon too.”
“Don't you love us, mama?” That was Gale. His piping voice was as
easy to recognize as that of his sister.
“You know I love you,” she said, rising from the settee. Agony
ripped through her heart as she turned to stare into the faces of her
children. She walked towards the stairs with slow, heavy steps. Her
tangled hair brushed against her back and the tattered remnants of
her nightgown stirred up dust on the broken tile.
“Mama, tell us a story,” Light begged. Her smile was bright.
“Tell us the story.”
The woman stopped, swaying a little
on her feet. That wasn't a request she'd heard for a long time. She
halfway hoped to never hear it again. “The
story?” she asked.
“Yes! Yes!” Gale shouted,
jumping up and down. He looked like a little boy pleading for his
favorite treat.
She bowed her head. “Come down
here and join me then,” she whispered. She returned to her seat.
The children scampered down and climbed into her lap. Their little
bodies were cold and hard as they squirmed around in her lap. They
settled into comfortable positions and waited.
“Tell us, mama,” Light demanded.
“Once upon a time, there was a
little family that lived together in a grand mansion,” the woman
began. “To everyone else, they appeared happy and loving. The
parents seemed to dote on the two little angels they'd been given to
raise. But the mother wasn't pleased with them. To her, they damaged
her beauty and limited the amount of pleasure she could take in life
because of her vanity.” A tear slid down one cheek. “Her husband
was a kind man who couldn't understand why his wife didn't love the
angels as much as he did.”
“What happened next, mama?” Gale
asked when she paused.
“One night the woman was sitting
by the window dreaming and singing to herself. She was admiring a new
necklace in her small hand mirror. The angels came downstairs,
frightened by bad dreams. The woman, angry with the interruption,
scolded them instead of offering them comfort. The children ran back
up to their room.” Her hands trembled and the words choked her.
“Go on, mama,” Light said. Her
eyes flickered a restless crimson.
“One of the angels knocked over
the candle used to guard against the night,” the woman said. “Their
mother ignored their screams until it was too late. All of the upper
part of the house was aflame and the angers were dead. She was blamed
at first but her grief made most people believe her when she said it
was an accident. Her husband never forgave her and she was cursed.”
“How was she cursed, mama?” Gale
“She was forced to live in the
house that was where she'd been happiest, and was the place of her
greatest sorrow,” she said. “There she lives to this day. She is
unable to die and unable to forget. She watches as the world she knew
leaves her behind.”
“What else?” Light demanded.
“She is haunted by her angels, who
have become demons to punish her for her crime,” she said in a
barely audible voice.
Light laughed. “We're going to be
together forever and ever, aren't we?” She wrapped her bony arms
around the woman's neck and hugged her.
“Yes, Light. We'll be together
forever and ever.”
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
A small blurb about what I'm going to do on Wednesdays in October
this is just a short little post. I have NaNoWriMo coming up, and I
plan on diving in as I usually do. I think I've even picked out the
story I want to write. So I'm going to be posting bits and pieces of
world building and character building on the blog on Wednesdays just
to show you a small glimpse into the mind of a very weird writer.
That will take care of the rest of October. There will be something
new in November, though I'm not sure what that is right now. So, see
you on Friday for another Friday Fiction!
Monday, October 12, 2015
My weekend adventure with technology (aka I built a thing)
on Saturday morning a calamity struck my little corner of existence:
my laptop died. I don't mean the “oh it just needs to be plugged in
longer” death. No, I mean that even though it was plugged in the
battery wouldn't hold a charge. It went from 73% to 42% to 3% in a
matter of twenty minutes. Nothing I did stopped this inexorable
decline. And since my laptop no longer runs if the battery isn't in
it (or dies), it was pretty much pointless to keep trying to make it
work. Monstrosity is five years old, so she outlived her projected
life by at least a year.
you can imagine, this left me feeling a little panicky. My laptop was
my life. It held all my writing, it was my only way to talk to
friends and family, and it was my main source of entertainment. I was
really stressing because, well, computers aren't cheap and I didn't
have the money to get a new one.
asked a few people for some help and was given $400 to get a new
computer. That didn't sound too bad to me, since I already had the
monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Keyboard and mouse were bought when the
keyboard on my laptop started failing. The monitor came with us when
we moved.
my husband and two of our roommates headed into a larger town than we
live in now and went to the electronics store. It was huge. We were
there for over an hour and we still hadn't seen everything by the
time we all hurt enough that we needed to get out of there. We plan a
return trip at some point in the near future.
our roommates to wander on their own, Himself and I wandered over to
the computer section. We were greeted by the absolute worst salesman
that I've had the displeasure of meeting. He asked us if we needed
something specific. We said we were just looking. He proceeded to
hover over us and when we did ask him a question he didn't know the
answer. So we left him there and headed elsewhere in the building.
and one of our other roommates suggested I try my hand at building a
computer. I was terrified. I mean, I know how to turn it on, turn it
off, and run various pieces of software. I never even gave a thought
to learning the hardware side of it. But we priced out the parts and
it proved that it would be within my budget to do it. So with their
help I picked out a case, a motherboard, a power source, and a CPU.
One of our roommates was upgrading his video card, so since it was
still a good one I got his used one.
after we got home, the roommate upgrading his computer and I headed
out to the shop where there was more space to work. As we got
started, I realized I had no clue what to do. I managed to get the
motherboard in but that was where I stalled out. I didn't know where
to plug stuff in. So our other roommate came out to check on us. With
his help, we got my computer built. He ended up putting the CPU in
because of how fragile it is, and he got one of the little
connections I couldn't quite get set in for me too.
it was done, I brought it inside and set it up on the table we're
using as a shared desk. I plugged it in and turned it on. Or at least
I tried to. It sat there, not doing anything. By that point I was
frustrated and upset that it wasn't working. Since it was late
Himself suggested I go to bed and work on it in the morning. Since it
was late I agreed with him.
morning it still didn't turn on so I was struggling with it. I looked
to see if anything was unplugged inside and there weren't any signs
of loose cables. So I put it back up on the desk. Himself came in and
flipped the switch in the back. When I poked the button again my
computer booted right up. I remembered hitting the switch last night,
thinking it was in the off position. I guess it was in the on
I got the computer up and running, I grabbed our Windows 7 disk. I
popped it in the DVD drive and…..nothing happened. It wouldn't run.
So Himself got in and pulled the hard drive out, fixed the issue with
the DVD drive and plugged the hard drive back in. Then it worked. I
got Windows 7 installed. If you've ever done a fresh install of
Windows 7 (or any of the Windows incarnations), you know how long
that process is. I got Windows loaded up.
I needed to get it hooked up to the internet. Since I don't have a wi
fi card, we plugged me in hard line into the router. Behemoth, as
I've named my new toy, wasn't registering the ethernet port. So I
tried putting in the drivers using a USB stick. Behemoth didn't
register the USB ports either. The roommate who gave me his video
card came in and asked me if there was a disk with my new
motherboard. If there was, it would have everything I needed. I'd
seen the disk but hadn't thought much about it. I went out to the
area where I'd put the box I'd put all the manuals in and opened it
up. Sure enough, there was the desk.
that got put into the computer and lo and behold, I had a functional
computer with an internet connection. But since I wanted Windows 10,
I went ahead and upgraded to that. When that finally finished (and it
was a long wait), I had to install all of the programs that I use.
That was easier, though it was still time consuming.
I have a working computer. It's an interesting situation being on a
regular desktop rather than a laptop. I've been on a laptop for the
better part of five years. But it's nice too. I got a 1 TB hard drive
this time, which means I can put a whole lot more than I already have
on there. Who knows what I'll use the space for, but I'm sure I'll
find something.
still need to transfer the stuff from my old hard drive to the new
one. I was loaned a little doohickey to do it with. I'm going to ask
for help with it since I have no clue what it's supposed to do. I was
upset when I thought I'd lost my work over the last few days since,
like a moron, I didn't back it up to Box or Google Drive. Then I
remembered what Himself has had me doing. I e-mail him status
reports, including copies of what I've worked on. I was able to
retrieve my most recent edits, which made me happy.
I have a new toy that I can upgrade as I need and not have to buy a
complete new device unless I want to. I can just switch out parts.
That is also a relief. Computers are expensive. But that's my
adventure over the weekend. It was not something I want to repeat any
time soon, but I learned a lot about computers so it's all good.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Friday Fiction: A calm night in Lacey's bar
Lacey's is a little hole in the wall place with an eclectic history, much like its owners - a strange, non-human woman named Aya and her werewolf business partner who simply calls himself Junior. With their rather unique staff, they deal with both the human and the supernatural residents of their town. Sometimes the worlds intersect in interesting - and occasionally violent - ways, though Aya does her best to keep the violence down to a minimum.
was quiet, not an unusual occurrence for a Wednesday night. Aya
surveyed her kingdom with the air of a benevolent ruler, smiling at
the few regulars who hunched over drinks at the bar. There was a
faint buzz of voices in her ear piece but as there weren't many
people it was more the chatter of the collection of friends she had
working for her than anything else. She nodded to Junior, her
business partner and head bouncer. He grinned back.
was a little, out of the way bar that had been many things since it's
inaugural opening in 1921. A speakeasy, a dance hall, a billiards
parlor, a restaurant, and now back to its original state of a bar.
The only thing that stayed the same about the place were the stained
glass windows. Rumor had it they'd been shot out by police during the
Prohibition, but the owners just paid to get them replaced.
glanced over at the two pool tables she had set up in the back. The
usual crowd wasn't there yet, so they sat unused and silent. The dart
players were there, laughing at each other when they missed the
target. They weren't drunk yet so she didn't need one of her three
bouncers chase them off.
went back into her office and sat down behind the desk. The time
sheets were already loaded into the computer. She started converting
them from tiny bits of data into the hard copy paychecks she'd be
handing out on Thursday.
boss, we've got two nuisances coming in,” Junior said. Though he
was the co-owner of Lacey's, he preferred to act like he was just an
Aya asked.
reporter and a werewolf,” Junior said. “He's already pulling that
attempt at alpha male shit at me.”
told them to quit that,” Aya said.
don't think it's one of the pack,” Junior said. “He doesn't smell
right and I don't recognize him.”
a stray,” Aya said. She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Which
one's more important?”
reporter. He's got a camera.” Junior's voice held a hint of a
growl. “He's pointing it at Randy, who conveniently had to run into
the back. Everyone else is hightailing it too. Coop, Alex, and I are
the only ones left.”
on my way,” Aya said. She got up and walked out into the main area.
Winters,” the reporter said, holding his camera in one hand. He
extended the other. “I'm so glad to see you. I really think we
could do a great piece on this place, with it's history and all. If
you and your staff would stand for pictures, we'd show what a great
little family you've got here.”
snorted. Family was a good term for the ragtag bundle of misfits that
worked for her. She stared at the reporter's hand until he dropped
it. “Mr. Kelley, I've told you politely several times what my
opinion on doing a piece on Lacey's is. Let me be more blunt this
time. No, you're not going to get our pictures. No, I refuse to give
you access to our records. No, I do not want an article published
anywhere on our establishment. If you even so much as try, I'll have
a lawyer up your ass so fast you'll need an enema to get him out.”
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
A short post on autumn
is here. It contains so many wonderful things: Halloween. Fall
colors. Cool weather. Spiced apple cider. Pumpkin pie (and pumpkin
cheesecake.) My 13th wedding anniversary.
is the first full month of autumn in the year. September is still
winding down from the heat of summer. But October...October brings
with it a fuller effect of autumn. Leaves that were just barely
thinking of turning colors in September begin to change with a much
stronger force. Nights bring frost (in my neck of the woods, at
least). Days bring cool but sunny days.
for me, is one of my favorite seasons in the year. When I still lived
in southern Idaho, spring and fall were my favorite seasons because
the weather was blissfully cool compared to the scorching summers.
Here on the Oregon coast, we haven't seen the kind of heat I'm used
to seeing in the summer. But the cooler days and seeing the frost on
windshields when I get up in the morning is still as wonderful as it
always has been.
also brings harvest time for many plants. We're still getting
peppers, both sweet and hot. Our tomatoes quit producing a while ago.
But we still have artichokes growing, and we're getting more than I
thought we would from a small handful of plants. We got some peas and
green beans from our plants over the last couple months. We even got
a few tiny onions and some nice carrots. The farm my husband and his
partners started is beginning to, pardon the pun, bear fruit for us.
loving Oregon and the lovely weather here. Autumn is getting under
way and it's reflected in everything around me. I love seeing the
world shift and change as the seasons turn. Each season brings with
it something new. Each season tells a different story. For me, the
stories of spring and autumn are my favorite. Their tales are woven
with sights, scents, and sounds that evoke good memories for me.
is your favorite season? What reminds you most of it?
Monday, October 5, 2015
Romance, tragic back stories, and overpowered characters in fantasy and science fiction
over the weekend in one of the groups I'm part of on Facebook someone
posted the blurb they wrote for their fantasy novel. It was an
interesting blurb and made me want to read the book. The very first
comment made on the post irritated me though. The person who
commented said that she found the concept interesting but she
“thought there would be a romantic interest for the MC”. I didn't
follow the thread so I don't know what the end result of that comment
was, but it brought up a point that made me think.
write fantasy and sci fi. Yes, I do often put romantic points in my
stories. But there are some that I've written/am planning on writing
that don't have romantic ties. They have deep friendships, but
nothing that lands them in bed with each other or mooncalfing over
each other like lovesick teenagers.
of my current projects, my cyberpunk story I've given a temporary
title of Hackers, has three
main characters – two male, one female. Guess what? None of them
end up in a romantic relationship with each other. In fact, none of
them have romantic relationships with anyone. It's not necessary for
the story.
I see this most often when dealing with strong female characters. So many authors think they need some kind of partner - male or female - to make them better. A lot of the time these strong female characters end up blubbering idiots around their significant others and are forced eventually to rely on their romantic partners to save them.
I see this most often when dealing with strong female characters. So many authors think they need some kind of partner - male or female - to make them better. A lot of the time these strong female characters end up blubbering idiots around their significant others and are forced eventually to rely on their romantic partners to save them.
not saying that there shouldn't be romantic interests in the story.
What I'm saying is if they aren't integral to the story line, leave
them out. Also, take a chance and plot around them to see if they can
be replaced by other relationships. If they can, give that a try. You
might be surprised by how interesting those stories become when
you're not putting
romance in them.
of relationships, let's talk for a moment about the family situations
of characters in the fantasy and sci fi genres. Specifically the fact
that many authors seem to think that the best characters come from
backgrounds with some kind of tragedy in them. The death of a parent
(or both parents), abuse at the hands of someone (a family member or
a spouse), being the target of bullies, being loners because they're
too strange to make friends, etc. I see a lot of these things in both
fantasy and sci fi.
read some interesting stories recently where the characters had
perfectly healthy personal lives, albeit with some unusual
circumstances they were dealing with. They had parents they could
talk to, sometimes siblings that were around to provide support, and
in some cases spouses and children who gave a sense of normalcy in
the chaos that was their lives. Sure, these relationships also
offered some good points of tension when a family member or friends
were threatened. But that's part of what made the stories so
interesting. There was a very real sense of urgency in these scenes
because of the kind of decisions that had to be made.
pasts can lead to characters making stupid mistakes, trusting the
wrong people, and create more problems for the protagonists as they
go along in the story. Then again, so can having healthy and normal
relationships with family and friends. People don't need bad things
happening to them to make mistakes. I've made plenty in my life
without needing any kind of help.
don't get me wrong. I write tragic backgrounds too. I think it's
something every fantasy or sci fi author plays with at some point in
their career. I'm looking for ways to get beyond that, to provide
interesting characterization without relying on tragedy. Sometimes it
doesn't work out that way. Sometimes, to explain something that's
integral to the story, you need a little pain in the past (or
present). But it doesn't need to be the only thing you use.
think the trend in fantasy and sci fi – which is thankfully fading
– is making characters seem larger than life by making them less
than “human”. And I don't mean the characters that aren't human
beings in this. Even aliens and elves can be made sympathetic by
giving them traits that we can identify with. But I've seen a lot of
books where the poor protagonist is given so much to deal with that
they're overwhelmed. But they're not allowed to be overwhelmed.
They're given outs like special powers that suddenly appear with no
other reason than they're necessary to get out of a situation. Or
some kind of guardian angel (or something of a similar nature)
appears to rescue them because it's hopeless and they're never going
to be able to get out of it on their own. Or...or...or… I could go
on with examples.
I look for when I'm choosing a fantasy or sci fi book is real people.
Characters that I can connect to on a personal level. I want to
believe these people are real. I want to care about who they are and
what their lives are like. I want to imagine what their life will be
like when the book/series is over. I've put books down halfway
through because I stopped caring about the protagonists. I've stopped
reading several series because things got too over the top with
special powers and allies popping up where there shouldn't be any
just because the author didn't want to go to the trouble of letting
their protagonists find solutions on their own.
not to say that if a character gets into a situation they can't
handle that there can't be someone to help. But try to keep the
random encounters for that to a minimum. There are probably a
plethora of people around that could prove to be useful. Use them
instead of inserting someone new for every problem.
are there because people love them. I get this. But people are
beginning to want to wander away from the usual suspects. If they're
there, they want something fresh and exciting. So readers and writers
need to try expanding their horizons and venturing down a path that's
new to them. And yes, I do include myself in this need to expand
horizons too.
Friday, October 2, 2015
Friday Fiction: Lady Raven
I started this story some time ago based on a dream I had. It's grown since then. It's based in Aleran, though on a different continent than my main story lines.
Ravensha was recognized by Sky-Lord Sharn as his progeny, something which threw the aeries into confusion as it has been centuries since a Sky-Lord acknowledged a female child. A stranger has come into the aeries and spun tales to ensnare the mind of the Sky-Lord. Ravensha has been chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy. Here she has just discovered her fate.
Ravensha was recognized by Sky-Lord Sharn as his progeny, something which threw the aeries into confusion as it has been centuries since a Sky-Lord acknowledged a female child. A stranger has come into the aeries and spun tales to ensnare the mind of the Sky-Lord. Ravensha has been chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy. Here she has just discovered her fate.
“Ersa, there is an aerie that has long been abandoned on the far
eastern edge of our territory,” Sharn said, turning to his mate.
“You will have no trouble finding it. It is marked by boundary
stones of red and white. Take Ravensha there and leave her. Choose
from among those women you trust and send them to tend to her. They
are to make certain she has no visitors, that she attends to her
studies, and above all that she does not escape.”
“I don't understand this, Sky-Lord,” Ersa said. “I also don't
like it. We have never trusted any of the humans before this. Why
should we trust the Beast Lords now?”
“Do not question my will if you wish to continue your favored
position, Ersa,” Sharn said.
“I will do as you say, Sky-Lord,” Ersa said. “Though I do not
“Agree or not, that is your decision,” Sharn said. “So long as
you obey your orders, I do not care if you agree.” He spread his
wings and left the aerie.
“Mama, the red eyes,” Ravensha said, staring up at her mother.
“What?” Ersa asked sharply.
“The man, the one the Sky-Lord called Maegren,” Ravensha said.
“He had the red eyes like I saw in my dream.”
“You said the red eyes meant trouble for us,” Ersa said. Ravensha
nodded. “Well, there is nothing we can do about it now. Come here,
little one. I'll take you to your new aerie.”
“Yes, mama,” Ravensha said. “Will Usha and Fylan be coming to
see me?”
Ersa picked her up and cast the featherweight spell again. “No. The
Beast Lord says you're to be kept isolated. The Sky-Lord must be
obeyed, no matter how I personally feel on the matter. I'll have
Balna and a few of the others come stay with you.”
Balna was the older female who sometimes took care of Ravensha and
Usha in Ersa's aerie, instead of leaving them in the rookery.
Ravensha knew her well. She had some difficulty flying because she'd
lost an eye fighting with the Lowlanders a few years earlier, but her
mind was as sharp as ever. “Why can't Usha come too? She's not a
“Usha needs to stay with the other fledglings in the rookery,”
Ersa said. “She must learn how to survive, as you have. I know you
try to protect her, but that will have to stop.” She carried
Ravensha along, catching the wind in only the way a skilled Aeryon
could. “Now be silent. I have to find these markers the Sky-Lord
set up.”
They flew along the face of the Windsheer Cliffs for nearly half an
hour before coming to the white rock the Sky-Lord had spoken of. The
red stone was also visible, and Ersa angled herself towards the ledge
between them. “Here?” Ravensha asked after her mother had landed.
“This will be your aerie now,” Ersa confirmed. She looked around.
“At least he had the sense to furnish it well. You will be very
comfortable here, I think.” She set Ravensha down. “I see he has
included several books and scrolls. I'll instruct Balna to make sure
you can read all of them. It will give you something to do. Perhaps
I'll see if we can teach you to weave or sew or something useful.
You'll have a lot of time on your hands so we'd best find something
to keep you busy.” Ersa ruffled her daughter's hair before diving
off the ledge. Ravensha ran to the edge and watched as her mother
winged away.
Ravensha turned and faced her new home. She explored the side
chambers, finding the privy, the bathing area, and a dark room where
a sleeping pad had been placed. Ravensha came back out into the main
room. She dropped down onto a pile of cushions and wrapped her wings
around her. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she thought of her
brother and sister. This place, this cold and empty place, was not a
safe aerie. It wasn't a place of warmth and comfort, as aeries were
supposed to be. It was a lonely prison, one that deprived Ravensha of
all that she loved. She cried herself into a kind of stupor, and
waited for those who were supposed to attend to her to arrive.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Cooking Escapades: Slow cooker meatloaf and chicken soup/stew
this week I'm taking the easy way out and sharing something of my
cooking adventures. I'm learning the joy of using a slow cooker. I've
got two recipes I'm going to share with you. One is a modified
version of a recipe I found on allrecipes.com. (I'll include the link
so you can see the original.) The other one is something I made up
myself based on reading a bunch of recipes. And I do mean a bunch of
recipes. You wouldn't believe the kinds of things you can find when
you're looking for interesting meals to serve a large group of
people. I cook for six people, and the slow cooker makes my life so
much easier.
first recipe I'd like to share with you is a slow cooker meatloaf.
Yeah, I know. Meatloaf is traditionally done in the oven, but this
one rocks for being very moist and juicy. The original recipe has six servings. I double it so it fits our needs.
Cooker Meatloaf
½ c milk
1/3 c Panko bread crumbs
small yellow onions, diced (or one medium)
T Italian herb blend
tsp salt
c chopped fresh mushrooms
T garlic powder
lbs. Ground beef
c ketchup
T brown sugar
tsp ground mustard
tsp Worcestershire sauce
eggs, milk, bread crumbs, onion, salt, herbs, garlic, and mushrooms
in a large bowl. Crumble ground beef over mixture and stir well to
combine. Shape into a round loaf. Place in a slow cooker. (I think ours is either a 6 quart or an 8 quart. Not sure exactly and I haven't really measured it.) Cover and cook on low until a meat thermometer reads 160 F (71 C), 5
to 6 hours.
ketchup, brown sugar, mustard, and Worcestershire sauce in a small
bowl. Spoon over meatloaf. Return to slow cooker and cook on low
until heated through, about 15 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before
will admit that I don't actually let it stand 10 minutes before I
cut into it. Usually everyone's too impatient to wait that long.)
other recipe that was well received was a chicken soup recipe that I
came up with on the fly based on a chicken soup recipe and a chicken
stew recipe. Neither fit what I was looking for, so I just shoved the
two together and hoped for the best. If you want a stew, all you have
to do with this recipe is dissolve corn starch in cold water and mix
it in near the end to thicken the broth.
lbs boneless, skinless chicken breasts, chopped into 1” pieces
small yellow onions, chopped
carrots, peeled and thinly sliced
medium russet potatoes, chopped (not a dice, but keep the pieces
small for easier cooking)
small cans sliced mushrooms, drained
10.5 oz cans cream of chicken soup
3-4 c chicken broth (I used Better than Bouillon reduced salt chicken
bouillon to make the broth)
powder and ground black pepper to taste
chicken, onions, carrots, potatoes, and mushrooms in the slow cooker.
Mix the cream of chicken soup with the chicken broth. Stir in the
garlic powder and ground black pepper to the taste of your desired
audience. (We like a lot of garlic and pepper, which is why I'm not
giving you a specific amount.) Pour over the soup ingredients. Stir
everything together. Set slow cooker on high for 5-6 hours.
this is made to serve the six of us. I'm not sure exactly how many the
official servings is, but it was enough for all six of us to have a
good sized bowl with some leftovers.)
have other slow cooker recipes I'm experimenting with. Every now and
then I'll post what I'm doing. I think, especially as the weather
gets colder, slow cookers come out more often. I may even try my luck
at doing desserts in the slow cooker. There are plenty of recipes for
that too. I don't know yet what I'll do. But I'm having fun and we'll
see what comes out of it.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Just a writing ramble
have a tendency, when I can't sleep, to let my mind wander around. I
try to limit the dwelling on things that could kick in my anxiety,
trigger my depression, or cause some other kind of negative response.
Those leave me unsettled when I finally do get to sleep. Instead I
let my mind run around and think of story ideas. Sometimes I'm
hashing out a glitch in a story, but a lot of the time I'm running
scenarios through my head for new stories.
of them I just ignore or mentally discard. But those that keep my
attention I make notes on and leave them in a file so I have the
ideas there for when I need
something new to work on. I currently have fifteen ideas in the file
that aren't connected in any way to any of my existing worlds and
the Aleran books (my fantasy world), I have probably more than twenty
novels I want to write – most likely more. I have two sci fi and
one cyberpunk story lines I want to play out. All three of those have
at least two to three books in them. Possibly more. I have an urban
fantasy story line that I want to pursue, also with multiple books. I
have my faerie tale retelling novellas to write. I have two already.
I've got some vague ideas for at least five more. I've got a sci fi
novella I've written that so far doesn't fit into any of my existing
worlds either, that might end up getting added. Or not. Or it might
spark a whole new series. I'm still working on that one.
been asked why I'm not published yet. That's a little hard to answer.
I've been writing since I was a kid. The Aleran world is the longest
lived of all of my projects, though you wouldn't recognize it from
what I started 25 years ago. I've written fifteen full novels, though
I've only kept maybe five of them. Only two of them will probably
ever see the light of day anywhere other than on my computer. I also
have multiple novellas I've written, but again there's only a few
that I'd even attempt to publish.
been in the last five years that I've started putting real effort
into getting published. I've started doing research, weighing pros
and cons between traditional and self-publishing. I'm pushing to
finalize and solidify the world building for my worlds so I can keep
things consistent between books. I'm starting to build a platform,
making my online presence more known. And I keep writing and editing,
trying to get my things to the point where they're fit for
don't know when I'm going to get published. I don't know which method
I'm going to use. I do know I will never stop writing and editing.
It's a part of who I am and I will keep moving forward.
Friday, September 25, 2015
Friday Fiction: Beauty and the Beast
So, I'm making Fridays my official fiction days. I'll either be posting a new short story or a snippet from one of my longer WIPs. Today, I'm sharing a piece from my Beauty and the Beast retelling (which has no working title yet).
Ceinwen has been taken to the palace. Now she must face the Beast and see what she is going to have to face.
A door to her right opened. It
was, from what little she could see where she was standing, an
elegantly appointed dining hall. Once she was sure she could make the
walk without falling over, she moved slowly into the room. A chair
was pulled out for her and she gratefully sat down. A moment later,
she heard something like the brief susurration of sound and a large
shadow seated itself at the end of the table. “Welcome, Ceinwen. I
trust your journey was not too unpleasant.”
There was a hint of a hiss in
that voice, and Ceinwen wondered what form this beast was forced
into. “I have not been on many journeys, but this one was
comfortable enough until the horse.”
“You do not like horses?” he
“I can't ride,” Ceinwen said.
“I've never been on a horse until today.”
“Why did he not bring you on
foot. The climb is only a short one.”
“Something about not wanting to
be anywhere near the village after sunset,” Ceinwen said.
“Ah yes. The curse on my
village,” he said. “I do hope you find the food here to your
liking. My cook is very good at what he does, even if he lacks
Ceinwen looked down and her plate
was full of food. While they were exchanging pleasantries the
servants had served her. “My lord, I am used to a plate of the most
simple foods, with only a rare sampling of the finer things my
brothers and sisters ate regularly. This looks to me to be
“You need not address me as 'my
lord', Ceinwen. Only my servants address me as such. To you I am
simply Beast. It suits me better than my old name these days,” the
Beast said.
“It seems rude to call you
that,” Ceinwen said.
The Beast snorted. “My lady, I
am a monster. I have no illusions about that.”
“If I am to call you Beast,
please do not call me 'my lady',” Ceinwen said. “I am Ceinwen,
and nothing else.”
There was a hissing gurgle that
Ceinwen took to be laughter. “Tell me then, Ceinwen, why your
family ate better than you?”
“It was my choice, really. I
could have asked for what they were eating but most of the time I
didn't want to spill anything on my work. I was a journeyman weaver
when – when our fortunes turned sour,” Ceinwen said. She didn't
want to upset the Beast by telling him the truth of her journey
“Did Master Spellmeyer pull you
out of the work houses? Is that where you got those scars?” the
Beast asked.
“He saved me from the work
house, yes,” Ceinwen said. “But no, I didn't get these scars
there. When I was a child, our house burned down. My father died
rescuing all of us. During the rescue, one of my father's wolfhounds
went mad and attacked me. I was mauled severely before they could get
the thing off of me. Or so I have been told. I have no clear memory
of the event, for which I think I'm grateful.”
“I see.” The Beast fell
silent, turning his attention to his food. Ceinwen did likewise.
“The food was excellent,”
Ceinwen said, when the last of the dishes had been cleared away and
only a bowl of fruit remained. The Beast's end of the table was still
shrouded in shadow. “I should perhaps withdraw for the evening.”
She smiled. “Assuming I can get back up the stairs without falling
“Before you go, I wish to show
you something,” the Beast said. “And then I will send Eleazar to
assist you back to your room again, if you would like.”
“All right,” Ceinwen said.
The Beast rose slowly from his
seat. He took a few steps forward and then he was in the light.
Ceinwen couldn't hold back the involuntary gasp that escaped her but
she did her best not to scream. The Beast stood hunched over, his
head about level with hers though had he been standing straight he
would have towered over her. His body was covered with a pattern of
scales in shades of red. His head was narrow at the nose but widened
out and was framed by a row of tiny bone spikes.
His fingers were long and thin,
and ended in delicate looking claws that had to be stronger than they
appeared. His eyes watched her, large and black, from the sides of
his head. “If you are afraid, I can understand,” the Beast said
“You are a little frightening,”
Ceinwen said. “But I'm not going to run away.”
“You have more courage than
most. The majority of the women Master Spellmeyer and his
predecessors have brought me have fled my presence screaming,” the
Beast said. “I will bid you good night, Ceinwen. Eleazar will be
along shortly to assist you.”
“Thank you,” Ceinwen said.
“And good night, Beast.”
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
My thoughts on bisexuality
Monday I talked about the transgender community. Today, I want to
talk about the B in LGBT – the bisexuals. Like the transgender, the
bisexuals are treated poorly by both the straight and the LG
community. To our detractors, it's just a “phase”. We don't know
what we're talking about. We're just confused.
notice I used the word 'we'. That's because I'm bisexual. My husband
is also bi. This doesn't mean we're unfaithful to each other. We have
a very strong monogamous relationship. It also doesn't mean we're
more likely to cheat. We've been together for fifteen years, married
for thirteen, and this has never been an issue. What we are is
attracted to the opposite gender as well as the same gender. We can
both appreciate the appeal of both men and women, and neither of us
is shy about admitting that we find someone attractive even if
they're the same gender we are.
my life, I've had both a girlfriend and a few boyfriends. I didn't
know what being bi meant until I was in my early 20's. I grew up
Mormon so even the idea of being gay/lesbian wasn't really brought
up. The only reason I knew people of the same gender could love each
other was through Mercedes Lackey and the Valdemar books. Lackey has
a number of same sex pairings in her books, even going so far as to
have a trilogy where the main character is gay. (Seriously, go read
the Vanyel books. They're awesome.)
nothing could have prepared me for my attraction to a woman. I had a
few guys I'd been attracted to. I dated a bit. Mormon rules on dating
being what they were, I didn't get out much. But I knew the reaction
of attraction. Then I met my future girlfriend and everything
changed. I couldn't understand it. I wanted to be with her, but
everything I knew – as limited as that was – told me it wasn't
ended up with her for about a year. I was excommunicated from the LDS
church. I pretty much left home before I could get kicked out. My mom
was really pissed off. I think she would have kicked me out if I'd
stayed. My older sister arranged housing for me and my girlfriend.
Ultimately we went our separate ways, but I continued to be attracted
to both men and women.
talk about some stereotypes that actually hurt the bisexual
community. The first one is that bisexuals are overly promiscuous.
Just because we have a broader pool
of possible romantic liaisons doesn't mean we're after sex all the
time. Another part of this stereotype is that we're going to sleep
with whoever comes along and/or cheat on our partners. This is also
untrue. There are some polyamorous bi people out there, and there are
definitely some bi who do like having several partners. But they
aren't in the majority of the community.
second stereotype I'd like to bring up is that bisexual women only do
it to turn straight guys on. Or bisexual men do it only to turn on
straight women. Yes, there are a few people out there who do that.
But honestly, we don't date our own gender to turn someone else on.
We do it because we're genuinely attracted to them.
third stereotype is the fact that we're indecisive or confused. The
only thing we're confused about is how people can treat us so poorly
in both the gay and the straight communities. We know who we are
attracted to, and it doesn't matter to us if they're male or female.
We love who we love, and we deserve the same consideration as
everyone else in this fact.
fourth is that bisexuality is a cop-out or a phase. Coming out as
bisexual is saying that you're open to relationships with either
gender. You're not going to turn people down based on their gender.
But it's often seen as the “gateway to being gay/lesbian”. Which
in some cases it might be. But to say that for all bisexuals is
demeaning and insulting.
fifth is that nobody is bisexual. This is an example of bi-erasure.
People are trying to prove that we don't exist. We do exist, and
there are reports proving this. In 2011, San Francisco's Human Rights
Commission released a report on bisexual visibility that showed,
among other things, that self-identified bisexuals made up the
largest single population
in the LGBT community in the United States. Now, whether that's true
now or not I don't know. But I do know that we do exist and we exist
in a large number.
sixth is that bisexuals can never be happy in a monogamous
relationship. Well, I'm proof that we can. My husband and I are
perfectly happy with our lives together. Neither of us feels the need
to go out and find another partner. Just because a bisexual person is
attracted to and partnered with a single person, does not mean that
their attraction for the opposite gender is any less real. But it
also doesn't mean that someone that's bisexual is going to go out and
have multiple partners.
friend is also bi. She told me of an experience that she had. She
went to her local PFLAG and was told by a lesbian speaker that her
being bisexual was a phase and when she got older it would pass. My
friend figured that the reason the speaker made the comment about it
passing when she got older was because of the fact that my friend
looks younger than her actual age. She's the same age as me and has
identified as bi since she was a teenager.
bisexual isn't a phase. It's not a choice. It's not something we do
to gain attention or to turn other people on. We are who we are, and
we will continue to be who we are. Eventually I hope that we'll get
the same considerations as the rest of the LGBT community, and be
treated with more respect by both sides of the spectrum.
Monday, September 21, 2015
My thoughts on the transgender community
do not care for politics. I deal with them since they're a part of
every day life in this country. In all countries, actually. But
something has been bothering me to the point I feel the need to talk
about it. That is the way we look at the LGBT community, most
specifically the B and the T part of that acronym.
going to start with the T today. For those that aren't aware, the T
stands for transgender. The definition of transgender is “noting or
relating to a person whose gender identity does not correspond to
that person's biological sex assigned at birth.”
will say this upfront and right away: THIS IS NOT A CHOICE!!!!! This
is a part of the person from the day they are born. It is not a
chemical imbalance. It is not a psychological abnormality. It is who
they are, just as being a gay or lesbian is a part of a person and
not a choice.
are several prominent transgender people in the public spotlight. I'm
not going to talk about them specifically right now. I'm going to
talk about the large number of men and women who aren't in the
spotlight who suffer from abuse, violence, a lack of medical care,
and are having to hide their real selves to avoid being killed. Even
that isn't always enough protection.
friend of mine has a sixteen year old trans daughter. She was
assigned the male gender at birth, but has been questioning her
sexuality a good chunk of her life. It's only been in the last six
months that she's felt comfortable enough talking to her mother to
express the fact that she is a young woman instead of a young man. My
friend embraced her daughter's new identity whole heartedly and is
doing what she can to make her transition a little easier.
has been some talk about starting on hormones, but my friend isn't
sure if their family doctor will do it. She's not even sure her
doctor will continue seeing her daughter because of the fact that
it's hard to find transgender friendly medical professionals,
especially in conservative small towns like the one she's in. But
she's determined to do what she can to help her daughter make the
transition. If all parents could be as accepting as my friend and her
husband, things would be a lot better for those who don't fit the
gender binary. But they aren't. And many transgender youth and adults
have paid the price for that by taking their own lives.
have been a number of studies done on
transgender lives. 41% of
the transgender and gender
non-conforming population
in the US have attempted
suicide. Compare that to
the 4.6% of the regular population and between 10 and 20% of the
lesbian, gay, and bisexual community. Think about that for a moment.
A transgender person is almost ten times as likely to attempt suicide
as the rest of the straight population. This isn't primarily because
of mental illness, as some people like to push. It's because they
can't take the bullying, the pain of being ostracized, of being
forced to live as something they're not, all in the name of just
trying to be who they truly are.
problem transgender people face is increased violence and even death
at the hands of strangers because of who they are. There have been at
least 20 transgender women murdered this year alone. Nine of those
investigations have led to murder charges. And this is just from what
has been reported. There are a lot of murders that go unreported, or
are pushed to the side because the transgender people in question are
homeless or have taken to prostitution to survive. None of these
people deserve the kind of violence being perpetrated against them,
yet they are also powerless to stop it in a society that still
despises them for being who they are.
are agencies that are out there to support the LGBT community. There
are some that focus solely on the transgender population. But they
aren't enough. There are still a large percentage of transgender men,
women, and youth who live on the streets because they have been
evicted, kicked out by family, or have lost jobs simply on the basis
of being transgender and can no longer afford to support themselves.
Homeless shelters often force them to take beds in the areas that
support their assigned gender instead of the gender they truly are,
which can lead to fear and violence.
dealing with someone who is transgender, keep these rules in mind.
First, if they give their name as something that might not fit what
you think you see, use the name they give. My friend's daughter came
up with her name a few years ago, and has been using it online. She
finally told her mother what she wanted to be called. Her mother is
beginning to correct people now who use the wrong name and misgender
her daughter.
respect them in using the pronouns they prefer. Some prefer gender
specific pronouns (he/she/his/hers). Others prefer gender neutral
pronouns (they/them). There are even pronouns in use now (ze/hir)
that they might want you to use. If you're not sure, ask. It doesn't
hurt to ask, and many will be pleased that you're thinking of their
don't ask invasive questions such as “when are you having surgery”
or “what's between your legs?” or “what do you do about sex?”
All of those are rude, and you wouldn't ask them of a cisgender
person, so don't ask them of a transgender person. It's personal to
them and it's not your business.
you know a transgender person, be supportive. It's hard to be who
they are. Even with women like Laverne Cox and Caitlyn Jenner
stepping into the light and bringing transgender issues into the
mainstream, there is still so much bias and hate towards them that
they need people to accept them for who they are.
you know a transgender person, and are concerned that they might try
to self-harm or even commit suicide, share with them the transgender
suicide hotline number (US 877-565-8860 and Canada 877-330-6366). Let
them know you're there for them. Let them know that there is someone
on their side, who loves them unconditionally, and will continue
loving them no matter what. Sometimes that one voice is what it will
take to keep them from slipping over the edge.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
My take on fan fiction
fiction. We've all heard about it. Sometimes spoken of proudly, other
times spoken of derisively. Many people believe that the fan fiction
world is filled with poorly written tripe penned by angsty teenagers
who write yaoi sex and practice self insertion when it comes to
“original” characters. The truth is that fan fiction is as varied
as original fiction, and can be either well written and
entertaining...or badly written and plodding.
admit it. I've been writing fan fiction for almost 30 years. I
started when I was around 8 or 9, using my favorite stories and
putting characters – who I will admit were based somewhat on me -
into them. I didn't even know it was called fan fiction. To me, it
was a way to keep enjoying my favorite stories even after I'd
finished the books.
continued writing stories based on my favorite movies, cartoons, and
books on top of writing my own original stories as I passed through
childhood and up into my teenage years. I will admit to writing some
big Mary Sue's into my fan fic. But I was a very lonely young woman
and the friends I made inside my head as I adventured with my
favorite characters gave me some sense of society.
first time I heard the term “fan fiction” was when I was in my
early twenties. It was then that I realized what I'd been writing for
all those years. I also found out I could put it online if I wanted
to. I put a few short things online, but for the most part I kept my
fan fic to myself. I shared a few pieces with close friends, but that
was it.
my late teens and early twenties, I also engaged in role playing as a
form of fan fiction. My best friend and I created original characters
and inserted them into many different worlds. We would spend hours
together role playing these characters, and loved every minute of it.
Even now, we still have occasional inside jokes based on those years
of role playing.
know several authors – both traditionally and self published –
who used fan fiction as a way to stretch their creative muscles. The
rules were there for them to work with, but they could act freely
within those rules. It gave them a way to warm up and get their
creative juices flowing so they could pursue their own original
stories with an idea of how things worked.
still write fan fiction. I call it “fluff”. I have probably a
dozen stories started based on my favorite movies, books, and anime.
None of them are finished. I strongly doubt any of them will ever be
finished. I'm certainly not going to try to publish them anywhere.
But sometimes, when my own work isn't going anywhere, I'll skim
through the fan fic pieces and see if one catches my eye. I'll put in
a page or two and then be ready to start fresh on my own original
aren't the only ones writing fan fiction either. Adults do it too.
Sometimes writers in both age groups can come up with some pretty
amazing things. In many cases, the things they write are just as good
as the author they're basing their work on.
don't see fan fiction as necessarily a bad thing, so long as the
writer has no intention of selling their fan fiction (that is
obviously fan fiction) as their own work. The rule of writing fan
fiction really is “don't ask for money for stories set in someone
else's universe unless you have that person's permission and a legal
contract has been drawn up allowing it.”
personally find nothing wrong with writing fan fiction, as long as it
isn't for financial gain. It's a way of continuing the story when it
ends. It's another way for fans to express how much they love a piece
of fiction – be it a movie, a TV show, or a book.
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